May 21Book reviewsOnder Planologen: The layered approach and the dichotomy in our fieldPodcast review by Erik Mies The layered approach didn't come out of the blue. McHarg's 1969 work 'Design with nature' was a layer model...
Apr 30Book reviewsPlato: The world’s earliest spatial planner?Book review by Jens den Boer The Republic is arguably Plato's most famous works and many of the issues and ideas presented in the book...
Feb 27Book reviewsInvisible citiesBook review by Zwaan Hoeksma Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino is a must-read for any spatial designer. It's a slim book with a clear...
Nov 28, 2023Book reviewsKlimaatgids voor de 21e eeuwBook review by Janna de Ruijter Enkele maanden geleden vond in het universiteitsgebouw Gaia het ontwerp atelier EU2120 plaats. Een...
Oct 3, 2023Book reviewsPressure To Change: how people were brought together in a fight against carsPodcast review by Carien de Wildt For a lot of people the Netherlands has always been a biking paradise. With the most bikes per capita...
May 30, 2023Book reviewsCurbing Traffic - The Human Case for Fewer Cars in Our LivesBook review by Rutger de Graaf In recent years, a trend is taking place in online spaces like Youtube and Twitter: more and more urbanist...