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Editorial piece

Dear readers,

TOPOS is back! The new editorial has put amazing efforts into the new vision for the platform of TOPOS. We, therefore, introduce our new and first theme of the year: ‘Revival’. The theme is chosen to show you what TOPOS was and what it stands for now. We are bringing back a platform of inspiration for everyone interested in landscape architecture and spatial planning. Now, a short introduction to the theme revival and topos in general.

Revival is a very interesting concept to look at, especially in the Netherlands. Our landscape is almost fully designed. However, there are still many landscape architects and planners working on our landscapes. There is a need for constant revival. Landscapes get outdated due to newer technology and research, but there are also many plans that just simply do not work as they were supposed to. Also, new (and older) problems constantly need to be tackled to fit the current situation. What is interesting about the word revival is that it not only refers to a fresh start, but the word also encompasses looking back into the past. There is no tabula rasa and in the landscape we always have to consider what shaped it in the past to generate a solution for the future.

Besides revival, topos is also an important definition in landscape architecture and planning. The platform TOPOS has been gone for a while, but it is important not to forget what it stands for. According to De Wit (2019) topos describes the arrangement of physical features. Think about materials such as sand, clay, stones, etc. It is about the dynamic and atmosphere that these features bring to the viewer, considering relations, spaces and lines of sight. It is a spatial and sensory experience. Topos is about revealing the landscape and topography.

By writing about topics from landscape architecture and spatial planning, we try to provide the experience to use our articles as an inspiration to reveal the ins and outs of our workfield. It is a way of seeing what is relevant and going on at the moment in our workfield.

In short, you can expect many new inspiring articles throughout the years from now on starting with the theme ‘revival’. We are looking forward to re-introducing and improving the TOPOS platform!

Best regards,

Shanna Koppejan

on behalf of the editorial of TOPOS

Sources: De Wit, S. (2019). Landschapsarchitectuur - Plek en tijd (2de editie). TU Delft.


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